Danny Bakers Internet Treehouse

In the Red Corner the People's Champion, Danny Baker, former Presenter of a BBC Radio 5 Football Phone-In.

In the Blue Corner the Challenger, Dominic Diamond, and Baker's replacement on the above show, after he was sacked.

Baker attacks his Producer
Diamond replies with a jab
Baker retaliates with a low blow
The fight goes To ground
Baker delivers a final crushing blow
A speech by the Victor
Still looking for the flight recorder...
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The Official Danny Baker Site at BBC London
  This non-profit site is in no way affiliated with the BBC, Talk Sport, Virgin, NME, FHM or Mojo.
All media containing characterisations are for entertainment uses only and are not to be used for commercial purposes.
Special thanks to Zoe, Neil Parkinson, Kevin Chippendale, Chris Long, Andy Ford, Terry Rumney,
Nick Ratcliffe, Richard Morgan, Graham McOwan, Mike Jefferies, Phil Marshall & Andrew Bottomley.